
Prints/filters lines that match a Regular Expression (RE) pattern.

echo -n 'Hello World!\nI''m Going!\nGoodbye!' | grep -n "G."
2:Im Going!
cat ~/.bashrc | grep "if" -A 5 -B 1

Prints next 5 lines and previous 1 line when caught any “if”.

Only check silently (no output) -q

cat ~/.bashrc | grep -q "alias"

Returns with 0 exit code on any match, otherwise 1.

Count matching lines -c

cat ~/.bashrc | grep -c "alias"
echo -n 'Hello World!\nI''m Going!\nGoodbye!' | grep -o "G..d"

About Living in the Shell
Obsessed with doing things in the shell, I’ve decided to share my daily struggles on living in the shell as terse but informative posts.