sed 🖊️

Edits streams by applying commonly used modifications.

Add a new line a & i

cat some-file.txt | sed '3a This is a new line after the 3rd line' 
cat some-file.txt | sed '3i This is a new line before the 3rd line'

Append a new line to the end $a

cat some-file.txt | sed '$a Now, this is the last line'

Prepend a new line to the beginning 1i

cat some-file.txt | sed '1i Now, this is the first line'

Replace one or more lines c

cat some-file.txt | sed '1-3c BOOM'

Replaces lines 1 through 3, with ‘BOOM’.

Delete one or more lines d

cat some-file.txt | sed '1-3d'

Deletes lines 1 through 3.

About Living in the Shell
Obsessed with doing things in the shell, I’ve decided to share my daily struggles on living in the shell as terse but informative posts.